In early 2018 Guake3 was released, since guake indicator was written for old Guake 0.X, old versions won't send commands to Guake3. If you want to connect guake-indicator to Guake 3 you must use version 1.3.1 and provide -guake3 as the first argument. From version 1.3.2, Guake3 is the default shell so you don't have to provide -guake3 switch, fallback to old Guake 0.x is still possibile with the -guake0 switch.
Each time a Guake indicator entry is clicked, unless the entry has the option 'dont show Guake' activated, Guake shows up. This is accomplished by a dbus call to the "Guake show interface". Unfortunately this interface is available only from Guake 0.4.5, in previous versions there's only a "Guake show-hide interface". The show-hide interface causes Guake indicator to hide Guake if it's already on top, therefore, on old Guake versions, Guake hides himself if you click on a Guake indicator entry while Guake terminal is shown on the screen. If you are running Ubuntu older than 15.04 you can upgrade to Guake version 0.4.5 from Since Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet comes with Guake 0.5, this issue should not occur in future Ubuntu releases.
I noticed that from version 13.10, Ubuntu ships with a Guake that auto-renames each tab every time a change dir command is issued. In this way the 'tab_name' field within guake-indicator.xml is almost completely useless because Guake overrides this value. In order to solve this:
@dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, in_signature='i', out_signature='s') def get_gtktab_name(self, tab_index=0): return self.guake.tabs.get_children()[tab_index].get_label()The is usually located in the /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/guake/ or /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/guake/ directory (the latter is the case if you compiled from the Guake source code). I put the above python code in the data/ file inside the source tarball (another option is to download it clicking here) so you can patch Guake typing (as root):
cat >> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/guake/
killall /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/guake
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